Salman Khan has made a guest appearance in buddy Ritesh Deshmukh's latest release, 'Lai Bhaari' and producer director Sajid Nadiadwala has penned the story of the Marathi hit. Little did they know that the film will threaten to eat into the collections of their Eid bonanza, 'Kick'.
Lai Bhaari is enjoying a good run in the single screens. And chief of the MNS Film Wing, Ameya Khopkar, who has co- produced the film with Riteish's wife Genelia D'Souza, is not keen to pull the film out to make way for Kick. "We will not withdraw from the screens where the film is doing very well. In the theatres where business is okay, we may give them a show or two," he asserted,according to The Times of India.
Nadiadwala who makes his directorial debut with Kick, has panicked after a meeting between the two producers did not yield a compromise. A source from his unit told, "Khopkar is adamant that Lai Bhaari will continue to play on the screens where it is bringing in the money. Sajid did not imagine even in his wildest dream that he'd get such stiff competition from Lai Bhaari for Salman's Eid release."
A group of exhibitors tried to play peacemaker and met with the MNS, late last evening. While Nadiadwala remained unavailable for comment, distributor of Kick, Rahul Aksar said, "There's no issue. We will divide and run."
Anand Vishal, Head of Operations, Fun Republic, pointed out that the multiplexes will give preference to Kick but Manoj Desai, owner of Gaiety, Galaxy and Maratha Mandir, said, "I am aware of the standoff but Lai Bhaari drew full houses even yesterday. I plan to accommodate both films in my chain of theatres."
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 14:58 IST