This is what Bipasha Basu told the organisers of a recent fashion week, throwing them into a tizzy. Bipasha Basu, Chitrangada Singh and Madhur Bhandrakar were set to walk the ramp for the grand finale of a recently concluded couture week in the capital on Sunday evening. But the plan went up in smoke.
Bipasha who made her Bollywood debut with the 2003 release Ajnabee, told the organisers of the event that she will not share the stage with Chitrangada, a 'junior' actress since she had started her career four years later with 'Hazaron Khawishen Aisi'.
The organiser went into a tizzy, when no amount of pleas could convince Bipasha to change her stance. She even made it clear to the organisers that she would not rehearse with her fellow actress. Left with no option, the jewellery brand that had invited the trio, changed the choreography of the finale.
A source from the show said, "Bipasha, Chitrangada and Madhur took solo turns on the ramp. Bipasha's stance was absolutely shocking."
While Bipasha and Chitrangada remained unavailable for comment, the organiser Sunil Sethi said, "I didn't have any control over this segment as it was put together by the jewellery brand. What the stars did was their decision. I was surprised not to see them taking the final bow together. Bipasha's secretary informed my team that Bipasha had certain objections.
He however added emphatically that he would ensure that such a thing would never happen again. "They didn't even report for rehearsals for a very long time," Sethi groused.
Chitrangada started the show in a black gown accessorised with a statement neck-piece, while Bipasha was dressed in a lehenga with diamond jewellery. Sethi maintained that Bipasha looked beautiful in her ensemble but excluded the actress when asked about the performance of the showstoppers. "For me, a showstopper is a showstopper. And I think Chitrangada and Madhur did it for us. Chitrangada brought life into the show and Madhur's confidence had to be seen to be believed," he raved.
Thursday, July 24, 2014 15:20 IST