It seems India's tennis star Sania Mirza, who strongly condemned the statement made against her by a BJP leader calling her a her a daughter-in-law of Pakistan and a misfit to be the brand ambassador has got some backing from Bollywood.
Superstar Salman Khan, who is known for speaking his mind has showed his support for Sania Mirza. The actor has tweeted in support of Sania Mirza reports The Times of India.
The actor tweeted, "Wahyaarrr! saniamirza , kamaalkarti ho . Like the spirit , issseboltehhain kick ass . ."
Looks like Salman has got a way to promote his film while supporting Sania Mirza. His film Kick releases this Friday (July 25 2014).
Monday, July 28, 2014 15:32 IST