Kolkata actress Roopa Ganguly, who has two films in the Indian Panorama of the 36th International
Film Festival of India (IFFI), "Antarmahal" and "Krantikaal", has directorial aspirations too.
So, even as the talented actress patiently answers questions regarding the roles she has played in
the two films, she also loves to talk about her directorial aspirations.
"I did direct a telefilm - 'Ekti Swapno Niye' (About a Dream) - for Alpha Bangla. Its success whetted
my appetite," says Roopa.
Her first shot at film production - "Ek Mutho Chhobi" (A Fistful of Films), an experimental five-episode
movie - hit the theatres in Kolkata last week.
"I've just received an SMS informing me that the film is picking up nicely," she says excitedly.
In the pipeline is another film that she will produce, but her sights are clearly set on furthering her
ambitions as a director.
"I decided to produce films because I wanted to see what goes into moviemaking. I would really love
to move a step forward and direct my own film," she signs off.
Friday, December 02, 2005 10:51 IST