Kangana Ranaut has made her mark in the industry with remarkable films like Tanu Weds Manu and Queen. However the actress recently revealed on The Anupam Kher Show - Kucch Bhi Ho Sakta Hai as to how much of struggle it has been to come up to this level. The actress stated that she bunked school. "The turning point in my life was when I started studying at a hostel in Chandigarh. There came a point when I didn't want to study. I transferred myself out of the hostel, shifted to a paying guest, and bunked school for parties and trying to get into theatre."
Acoording to The Times of India, while Kangana Ranaut was going through her journey of becoming an actress, she came to Mumbai. The actress spoke on the show as to how she landed her very first acting job, a film by the Bhatts opposite Emraan Hashmi, Gangster. Kangana said, "At that time Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi had just released and the Bhatts had signed Shiney Ahuja for the role. They felt that I was very young for the role as they wanted someone older, hence they signed Chitrangda. However one day Anurag Basu desperately gave me a call as they wanted to go on outdoor shoot and Chitrangda was not answering their call. I think it was at that time she decided to quit movies, and I got Gangster. He said we will apply makeup and make you look older."
After a showdown with her parents, Kangana Ranaut apparently left home to follow her dreams as an actress. Kangana revealed on the show, about the lowest phase of her life. "I packed my bags and went to Delhi. My mom was crying and dad was not talking to me. I was only 16 years old then and after six months I felt that I had done the worst thing. It was the worst period of my life."
Himalayan beauty Kangana Ranaut has been pursuing a course in script writing and even plans to get into direction as well. However it seems like flying high has come at a price for the actress. Kangana spoke about the prejudices in the industry. She said, "I don't get angry but get very irritated. There were a lot of prejudices before. People judge you way before your work. When you are not from a filmy family then you are called as the gold diggers."
A turning point came in Kangana's life when she was much praised for her character in Fashion. The role even won her a National Award. However the actress stated the she was not too keen on playing that character. Kangana said, "I didn't want to do Fashion because I had done title roles. But I worked hard for the role, I learnt how to cook, did research for my drug addict scenes, understood the withdrawal symptoms, perfected my catwalk. My graph was coming down and I knew it was my last chance. Fashion definitely was a turning point."
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 13:34 IST