Aamir Khan's upcoming film PK has already become talk of the town, the controversial poster was just getting viral on the internet, when another buzz came out that PK is quite similar a 1995 Australian film Epsilon also called Alien Visitor.
Epsilon is a story of a young female who is sent from the planet Epsilon and she crash lands naked in a desert, later found by a surveyor, who gives her some clothes. She then discloses that how the aliens reckon human race as a failure, she continues to prove herself right, time and again but eventually they fall in love, adding to a social relevant quotient to the film it shows, how human race is destroying the planet.
Now as far the PK poster goes, it doesn't reveal anything but the stranded naked man (Aamir ) gives us a similar hint! Not to forget director Rajkumar Hirani touches socially relevant angle in his films. And as per the rumours go, PK is probably be playing a godmen instead of an alien (apparently 'Godmen' is to give the 'Desi' connection).
Apparently we cannot confirm anything unless we see the trailer and 15 August is not too far so lets hope for the best!
Tuesday, August 05, 2014 15:35 IST