Shah Rukh Khan was present with the entire star cast at the music launch of Happy New Year. The team of the film interacted with the media and SRK was at his funny best.
When SRK was asked about Aamir Khan's poster, he replied, "Abhi hum bhi kar rahe hain, bina kapdo ke poster...sab ke saath." (Now, we are also going to have a nude poster, with everyone).
He further added, "I don't deal with comparisons. Their poster is theirs, our poster is ours. Their movie is theirs and our movie is ours. Between us we must be knowing all the actors well enough to wish them well, wish ourselves well. There is no comparison..Comparison is in the minds of people who want to compare. Competition happens with your last job, with your last make your today and tomorrow better than yesterday. If you are going to compete with others, it is never going to work. It is the job of people who do not believe in themselves."
"Having said that, I wish every film that comes..PK, Kick..all the films after it too because they entertain us and make us all happy. Inshaallah, ours also moves along parallely and does the same for everyone," SRK stressed.
Sunday, August 17, 2014 15:42 IST