Randeep Hooda, one of the most underrated Bollywood actors, is now giving the Khans and the Kapoors a run for their money. The actor shared equal screen space as Salman Khan in the year's biggest blockbuster 'Kick' and has got B-town talking with his diverse roles from playing a kidnapper in 'Highway' to a police officer in 'Kick'. The master of mysterious looks, Randeep has a lot more to his multi-faceted personality. Read on to know the lesser known facts about the actor.
Randeep Hooda was a lonely child as his parents stayed away in the Middle East. He spent his childhood with his maternal grandmother whom he called strict and sometimes bitter in an interview to Times of India. In an interview to Times of India, he had revealed that from the age of six, his mother would stick a bib on his chest saying 'unaccompanied child' on a flight back to India. As revealed in the interview, Randeep still feels uncomfortable visiting friends in their parents' presence.
Randeep Hooda had his own share of childhood struggles. He was active in theatre at his boarding school in Sonepat but was sent to DPS as his parents wanted him to become a doctor. He turned mischievous and gained a rough attitude and short temper out of frustration. He did it all from drinking, smoking, bunking and dating. He was addressed as 'Randeep Don Hooda' at his school farewell. He had developed the 'Jat boy complex' and was a powerful boy.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 14:14 IST