Bollywood`s upcoming period drama film `Rang Rasiya` starring Randeep Hooda and Nandana Sen, released the video of the film`s title track today. This film is based on the life of 19th century Indian painter Raja Ravi Varma & is directed by Ketan Mehta. The director released the video today as a gift to his lead stars Randeep and Nandana who recently celebrated their birthdays.
The very talented singers Kirti Sagathia and Sunidhi Chauhan have rendered their melodious voices to this romantic number. This video showcases the brilliant chemistry shared by Randeep Hooda as Raja Ravi Varma and his muse Sugandha, played by the gorgeous Nandana Sen. The song uses traditional instruments and creates magic on screen with its addictive beats.
The duo has set the screen on fire with intense romance in the beautiful landscapes of 19th century. Raja Ravi Varma and Sugandha`s love blossoms amidst breathtaking waterfalls, royal architectures, majestic palace of Vadodara and picturesque landscapes.
The video portrays the painter as a man beyond his generation, a thinker with boundless talent and one who lives his life to the fullest. Nandana Sen looks gorgeous as the muse, lover and goddess, whereas Randeep steals hearts as the passionate painter.
Thursday, August 21, 2014 15:36 IST