The actress who is good friends with Honey Singh also praised the rapper about his work and called him a secure worker. This is not all she also added that Honey Singh is looking for a performer and she wished him luck in finding the talent that can be called India's Raw Star.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 14:54 IST
Recently, Sonakshi seen on a video with Honey Singh. She went on record to show her support for Honey Singh's Debut television show admitted that she starts her day listing to songs that this Raw star has composed. `I have always been a fan of Honey Singh. While most of the people start their day listing to devotional songs. For me my day start with listing to Yo Yo Honey Singh songs`, quipped Sonakshi Sinha.
The actress who is good friends with Honey Singh also praised the rapper about his work and called him a secure worker. This is not all she also added that Honey Singh is looking for a performer and she wished him luck in finding the talent that can be called India's Raw Star.
The actress who is good friends with Honey Singh also praised the rapper about his work and called him a secure worker. This is not all she also added that Honey Singh is looking for a performer and she wished him luck in finding the talent that can be called India's Raw Star.