Reminiscing how the journey for BIOY started, Ashvin Gidwani, MD & Producer, AGP, said, `Bharat Dabholkar had a very good relation with Yashji, and he was very excited about the play when he first heard script from Bharat. He had even promised to be our chief guest for the opening show, but unfortunately, by the time the first show was staged, we were only left with his good wishes. When the show opened in January 2013, YRF kept Yashji's promise and very graciously gave us the rights to use the Yashraj name for the play. That's how Blame It On Yashraj was born.`
Director of 'Blame It On Yashraj' Bharat Dabholkar added, `I came across the concept of Bollywood weddings in a publication. The article spoke about how Indians were obsessed with big weddings and weeklong celebrations, and how low key weddings are almost nonexistent today. This play is a takeoff on that concept and the name Yashraj represents Bollywood and its grandeur.`
Actors received a standing ovation from the audience for their brilliant performances. As the play promised a wonderful experience, the audience were treated to a delicious dose of laughter and amusement. To commemorate this special milestone, the team celebrated backstage with a cake cutting ceremony.