On Friday when India was busy celebrating Ganesha Chaturthi with fervour, Twitteratis were having a field day by ridiculing actor Abhishek Bachchan on the social media platform. From criticising his acting skills to his flops, Abhishek Bachchan was slammed by Twitter users. And soon he started trending on Twitter. Let us have a look at some really funny jokes on the actor that became viral.
Disclaimer: These are meant for fun only and we request you not to be offended by them.
#Twitter CEO suicide after seeing Abhishek Bachchan trending.
Probably the first time that Abhishek Bachchan is trending without Aishwarya rai being the reason.
Some things never change in life...like Abhishek Bachchan is trending on Twitter, but he is last here also.
The actor, who is currently busy with Pro Kabaddi League matches as his team is participating in it, was slammed by Twitteratis for trending. Some jokes are:
If Abhishek Bachchan can trend anything can happen in this world.
Abhishek Bachchan is so out of work these days, Amazon could deliver their orders using Drona instead of drones.
Saturday, August 30, 2014 14:35 IST