Sahara One Television will present a two-hour special show titled "Shaam-E-Bachchan" Saturday Dec 17 to commemorate the birth anniversary of late Harivansh Rai
Bachchan, a noted Hindi poet and litterateur.
The actual programme was held in Lucknow on Nov 27, which had Amitabh Bachchan reciting his father's favourite poetry along with other accomplished poets.
In his rich baritone, Amitabh managed to highlight each nuance of his father's poetry. The programme reunited the three generations of the Bachchan family - Abhishek
Bachchan who along with his mother Jaya Bachchan, attended the event.
The event took place just before Amitabh took ill.
On Dec 18, it will be followed up with the telecast of Ram Gopal Varma's film "Sarkar" starring Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan, at 12 noon and will be repeated on the
same day at 7.30 p.m.
Saturday, December 17, 2005 12:26 IST