Ishaqzaade girl Parineeti Chopra is known as the bubby cheerful actress with a girl next door personality. With a famous cousin like Priyanka Chopra who is known for her stylish image, Parineeti too comes under the scanner for her fashion choices. However, the diva has committed some unforgettable fashion blunders in her career. The Ambala girl, who will now be seen as a Muslim girl in Daawat-e-Ishq opposite Aditya Roy Kapur, needs to make sure not to repeat them again.
Parineeti is obsessed with black and is spotted wearing the dark shade at almost all the major events. Call it her lucky colour or her style mantra to look slimmer, Parineeti Chopra never shies away from wearing black wherever she goes. This is not just a mere coincidence that Parineeti wore black at all major award functions. As if last year was not enough to be called her 'Black Year', the unstoppable Parineeti went on to don black once again at an award function. Watch out for her next appearance at an awards ceremony.
Tuesday, September 09, 2014 14:42 IST