The Debut Producer Suryaveer Singh Bhullar of an upcoming movie Tamanchey is all set for the launch of his movie's first song & its release later. The upcoming launch is suspose to be grand our source says.
Suryaveer is a fun loving person with interest like cooking and passion for brewing alcohol. As a producer he has some strong thumb rules & principal to start up with. He recently tweeted "As a first time producer it's extremely important to have a great crew" which states that he is quite impressed with the way the project has come up and is backing up his team to the fullest with promotional activities.
"Tamanchey has been a labour of love, it's had a lot of ups and downs but the final product is something we all are proud of, and the music is special," he said
The producer of the upcoming teekhi love story 'Tamanchey' starring Nikhil Dwivedi and Richa Chadda releases 10th October, 2014.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 15:25 IST