Megastar Amitabh Bachchan wished singer Mika Singh for his acting debut in 'Balwinder Singh Famous Ho Gaya' and said the 'Pungi' hitmaker is capable of becoming his competition in the film industry. The 71-year-old actor unveiled the music of the film, which also stars another Bollywood playback singer Shaan and shared his fondness for Mika. "In our family everybody loves Mika's singing style and today I am here on this special occasion on his invite only," Bachchan said,reports The Indian Express
"So far I have only heard him in songs but now he is my competitor as he has started acting," Bachchan added. Mika was also all praise for Big B and referred to him as the temple of the Hindi film industry.
Thursday, September 11, 2014 15:11 IST