Just a day before the release of Homi Adjania's film, Finding Fanny, activists in Karnataka objected to actor Arjun Kapoor's character in the film allegedly describing the state as 'mental'.
Pal Chandani, a local distributor from Karnataka says, `Some activists landed outside the studio's office in Bangalore where they protested against the film and demanded a ban on it, as they felt that the actor had insulted the state in the film.`
In fact, the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce demanded and ensured the deletion of Arjun Kapoor's dialogue from the film. UD Dharmaraj, President, Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce, says, `We asked the studio to delete the objectionable dialogue. Only then will this film release in Karnataka.` As a result, the dialogue has been edited out of the film in Karnataka.

Director Homi Adjania is aghast by this development. `The Censor Board passes our film and now we have an issue with Arjun's character venting his exasperation about getting lost on a journey? All he does is stray into Karnataka and say, 'We are in a bloody mental state'. It obviously refers to the character's state of mind, so why is it being misconstrued unnecessarily?` he says.
On Wednesday, the Delhi High Court dismissed a PIL seeking a ban on the release of Finding Fanny due to the use of the word 'fanny'.
The PIL, filed by lawyer Abhishek Krishna on behalf of Nandini Tiwari and NGO Jai Jagriti Foundation, said that the word 'fanny' was a slang term that ought to be removed from the movie, and its songs, posters and banners.
It also said that since the dictionary meaning of the word was sexually explicit, using the word in the movie would hurt people's feelings.