The trailer of director Anurag Basu's underworld drama "Gangster", which was released with "Kalyug", is said to have generated considerable curiosity in trade circles as to
whether it is inspired by mobster Abu Salem.
Shiny Ahuja, who plays the title role in the film, is inundated with curious callers eager to know whether the character is inspired by Salem's real life as was indicated in
sections of the media.
Says Shiny: "The film is suddenly in the spotlight and everyone seems eager to know how far my character is inspired by Abu Salem's character. However, the truth of the
matter is that 'Gangster' is not Salem's life story though there are a lot of parallels between the two characters."
One such interesting common factor, which gives a twist to the storyline, is the way Salem rescued his girlfriend Monica Bedi. "It is pretty much similar to how Abu Salem
got Monica out of India," Shiny reveals.
There is also another resemblance - the suave, sophisticated and non-controversial look of the don. "That deceptive look is also a strong part of my character. He's
intelligent, sophisticated and the last person to get angry," says Shiny.
Friday, December 23, 2005 11:55 IST