The age-old battle between India`s largest metro cities Mumbai and Delhi is all set to be immortalised in Viacom 18 Motion Pictures` upcoming romantic comedy `Mumbai Delhi Mumbai`. The makers have unveiled the first poster and trailer of the film and its story appears to revolve around the age-old fight for supremacy between Mumbai and Delhi, played out by Pia Bajpai as Mumbai girl `Pia` and Shiv Pandit as Dilli ka launda `Goli`.
The poster introduces Pia, a young and ambitious Mumbaikar who loves her city and its lifestyle to the core. As seen in the trailer, she is street smart and independentwith a sense of style like none other. When she runs into the loud and flashy Goli on her disastrous trip to Delhi, her dislike for the city is beyond containment. But being the self-centered and boastful young man that Goli is, he has an undying devotion towards his city too, and will not take a word against his city.
The film plays on the inherent dislike for Delhi in every Mumbaikar`s heart and the innate abhorrence of Mumbai in every Delhiite`s heart.In a time when everybody has something to add to each side of the argument about their city`s supremacy over the other, `Mumbai Delhi Mumbai` appears to have an interesting point to make.
`Mumbai Delhi Mumbai` explores what happens when a Mumbai-loving girl meets a Delhi-loving boy. Produced by Viacom 18 Motion Pictures, the film starring Pia Bajpai and Shiv Pandit is set to release across theatres on September 26, 2014.
Saturday, September 20, 2014 15:19 IST