Television show "Khushiyon Ki Gullakh Aashi" was launched with a promise of a new concept about foster parents. And finally, the show will take its first step towards its goal.
In the show, the female protagonist Aashi (played by Hally Shah) is ignored by her parents and always craves for their affection. But with a twist, she will fight against them to bring justice to a childless couple, whose land her parents' have grabbed.
The couple Vishnu (Rohitash Gaud) and Prabha (Nishigandha Wad) will end up staying at Aashi's house. And it will mark the starting of their relationship.
Actor Naman Shaw, who will be seen as Aashi's love interest Vishesh, said, "The show comes with a great concept. Nowadays, we take things, including our parents, for granted and the show is an eye opener."
The weekly show is aired on PAL at 10 p.m.
Thursday, September 25, 2014 14:42 IST