Hrithik Roshan is on a unique promotional spree for his upcoming film `Bang Bang`, going about challenging his Bollywood friends with unusual dares. Shah Rukh Khan recently completed the challenge and posted a video of his abs exercise for his look in `Happy New Year`.
"The 10pack #bangbangdare @iamsrk show us a pic doing ur fav ab exercise!all want 2 know which 1 it is! U hv 3 days! Qabool?," Hrithik challenged Shah Rukh Khan on Twitter.
"@ihrithik #bangbangdare my fav ab workout is to do all exercises," Shah Rukh Khan responded with a video.
"Woah!! Winner!Now that`s inspiration! Didnt make d deadline but "haar ke Jeetne wale ko hi baazigar kehte hain!` @iamsrk hahaha loved d end!! It`s going 2 b a happy nwyear 4 sure," Hrithik wrote.
Thursday, September 25, 2014 14:42 IST