Writer-director Vinta Nanda, who translated her personal angst and trauma into a film called "White
Noise", is busy scripting another film "Magic".
Nanda told over telephone from Mumbai: "It's an interesting take on entertainment. The film is all
about Bollywood, its magic and its miraculous reach. I am also exploring the life of a genius amidst
all that."
Asked about the genius, she said: "That's a secret you will find out when the film releases."
The film is now in scripting stage and Nanda isn't ready to divulge more. She said: "Right now I am
writing the script and I have not finalised the cast."
Nanda started her career as an assistant director and later directed "Tara" - one of the first and most
successful soaps for Zee TV.
With her first movie "White Noise" - a film on suburban paranoia, she turned a commercial filmmaker.
Rahul Bose and Koel Puri played the lead roles in the film.
Thursday, December 29, 2005 11:02 IST