The makers of `Rang Rasiya`, a film depicting the life and times of India`s legendary artist Raja Ravi Varma, have released the second music video from the film. The video is set in the picturesque deserts of Rajasthan, which lends the song a beautiful folk touch. Raja Ravi Varma, played by Randeep Hooda, is seen walking around the desert wearing typical local Rajasthani attire, providing a stark contrast against the light sands behind him as he admires temple carvings from ancient times. By the looks of the music video, Randeep Hooda has embraced his role and is seen living up to it with short, oiled hair and the easy gait of a graceful artist. Kailash Kher`s voice makes the song an absolute pleasure to listen to.
Presented by Jayantilal Gada (Pen), Rang Rasiya is directed by Ketan Mehta, produced by Deepa Sahi and Aanand Mahendroo. It stars Randeep Hooda, Nandana Sen and newcomer Triptha Parashar in lead roles. `Rang Rasiya` is set to release on November 7, 2014.
Friday, September 26, 2014 11:32 IST