The Plot: "Blame it on Yashraj" is a hilarious story of a Punjabi/Bengali family caught up in the whirlwind of a wedding getting bigger and bigger by the day, when their darling daughter decides to marry a Muslim boy. It,s two hours of poking fun at our prejudices, our peculiar behaviour in planning a wedding, the invitee lists, the menu, the decor and the constant awareness that you have finally to bow down before the almighty...Bollywood.
Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:40 IST
After the 50th show for "Blame It On Yashraj", Ashvin Gidwani Productions (AGP) along with Inspirago Infinity recently hosted two consecutive shows of Bharat Dabholkar,s wedding-based comedy play in Kolkata,s GD Birla Sabhaghar. The city witnessed one of the best plays produced by AGP and both the shows were packed with laughter. Bollywood actress Rituparna Sengupta also attended and was seen enjoying the rib tickling play held in Kolkata.
The Plot: "Blame it on Yashraj" is a hilarious story of a Punjabi/Bengali family caught up in the whirlwind of a wedding getting bigger and bigger by the day, when their darling daughter decides to marry a Muslim boy. It,s two hours of poking fun at our prejudices, our peculiar behaviour in planning a wedding, the invitee lists, the menu, the decor and the constant awareness that you have finally to bow down before the almighty...Bollywood.
The Plot: "Blame it on Yashraj" is a hilarious story of a Punjabi/Bengali family caught up in the whirlwind of a wedding getting bigger and bigger by the day, when their darling daughter decides to marry a Muslim boy. It,s two hours of poking fun at our prejudices, our peculiar behaviour in planning a wedding, the invitee lists, the menu, the decor and the constant awareness that you have finally to bow down before the almighty...Bollywood.