The Plot: "Blame it on Yashraj" is a hilarious story of a Punjabi/Bengali family caught up in the whirlwind of a wedding getting bigger and bigger by the day, when their darling daughter decides to marry a Muslim boy. It,s two hours of poking fun at our prejudices, our peculiar behaviour in planning a wedding, the invitee lists, the menu, the decor and the constant awareness that you have finally to bow down before the almighty...Bollywood.
The Plot: "Blame it on Yashraj" is a hilarious story of a Punjabi/Bengali family caught up in the whirlwind of a wedding getting bigger and bigger by the day, when their darling daughter decides to marry a Muslim boy. It,s two hours of poking fun at our prejudices, our peculiar behaviour in planning a wedding, the invitee lists, the menu, the decor and the constant awareness that you have finally to bow down before the almighty...Bollywood.