Former Indian beauty queen and actress Pooja Batra, who is settled here, has launched a new Bollywood radio station, Mera Sangeet. The effort is to cater to the Indian diaspora in the US and Canada.
"I wanted to provide the Indian diaspora in US and Canada with something that takes them closer to home. We have an iPhone app and an Android phone app and now people living here can listen to their favourite music for free," Pooja, CEO of Glow Bell Inc., which facilitates collaborative productions between Hollywood and Bollywood, said in a statement.
Apart from taking care of the station's operations, Pooja will also play radio jockey to engage with listeners.
Indian actors such as Deepti Bhatnagar, international photographer Ash Gupta and writer-director Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla have also been roped in by Pooja to be celebrity radio jockeys for the station.
Pooja says her friends "graciously agreed" and that she's thankful to them.
"It is going to be a wonderful journey that I'm most excited about," said the actress, who has collaborated with Anshuvijay Rode of Anjaney Entertainment and Opie Singh, for the venture.
While in Bollywood, Pooja featured in films like "Virasat", "Haseena Maan Jayegi", "Kahin Pyaar Na Ho Jaaye".
Friday, November 07, 2014 11:03 IST