A week after the US announced its support to the upcoming Vibrant Gujarat Summit, the organizers said Greek-born American musician, Yiannis Chryssomallis, better known as Yanni, will perform at the event. Celebrated music composer AR Rahman will also be a part of the four-day event in Vadodara this January.
Deepak Gattani, Rahman's show director, confirms the news saying, "Several musicians will perform during the four days. Contrary to speculations, Rahman and Yanni will perform independently. Besides, Asha Bhosle will also be seen singing live on a different day."
Another source involved with the concert planning says that several celebrities from various fields and the who's who of the music world will grace the event.
"It will be attended by many VVIPs. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also expected to turn up. Once things are finalized, we will make an official announcement," adds the source.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 14:17 IST