It's five months now that Karisma Kapoor and Sunjay Kapur filed for 'divorce by mutual consent' in the family court in Mumbai. As per the law, all couples seeking a divorce are given a six-month cooling period, just in case either of the parties has a change of heart.
And though there is barely a month remaining for their individual counsels to take the next step, there is still hope amongst some family members that there could be a patch-up. However, advocate Kranti Sathe, who represents Karisma Kapoor, says, "So far, there are no signs of reconciliation. At the end of six months if the agreements are complied with, the parties will come before the court for the final decree." And as we said earlier, their families may be hoping for something positive, but sources close to Sunjay also suggest that a reconciliation looks difficult this time. It may be recalled that after a year of separation, this couple had temporarily gotten back in 2011.
However, in the summer of 2014, things got heated once again and the couple's decision to divorce became evident. It is said that they had long-drawn arguments while in the family court but finally agreed on 'divorce by mutual consent', thanks to some well-timed intervention from Kareena's husband, Saif Ali Khan. When contacted, Sunjay said, "I am in a meeting I can't talk now." Karisma was not available for comment.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 14:17 IST