Bollywood actor Aamir Khan said he would like to see more exchange of international films and view them in order ''to grow''.
Addressing a gathering at the conclusion of the fourth Pune International Film Festival (PIFF) here today, the actor said.
''With the exchange of films, we can grow in our sensibilities.'' The expressed disappointment over his inability to watch the latest flick 'Rang de Basanti' with Puneikars due
to stalling of its screening.
He said he would have loved to view the film with the audience at the Ganesh Kala Krida Manch, which has a capacity of 3,000 seats and a state-of the-art Dolby sound
Aamir also delighted his fans saying he had a close association with the city. He had spent many years playing tennis at the Deccan Gymkhana and eating 'Idli Dosa' at
Pune Coffe House.
''Many don't know that I won the Pune Open Tennis Championships,'' he recalled and added tennis players like Nandan Bal and Jayant Khade were his friends.
Friday, January 20, 2006 14:32 IST