Akshay Kumar, who is mainly known for his physical strength and action prowess, shot a large action portion for his Baby in the extreme heat of the Abu Dhabi desert. The Neeraj Pandey directorial has already been picturised in Kathmandu and Istanbul
A source says, "The burning sand dunes, hard heat winds and a temperature hovering in the fifties - the team did not expect this. But, this did not bother Akshay. Action choreographer Cyril Raffaelli had come up with some difficult moves. The temperature was around 51 degrees Celsius. But Akshay performed the stunt with ease," reports The Times of India
The actor says, "We shot Baby under all conditions - cold hilltops of Nepal, to the hectic and busy streets of Instanbul and Delhi. But it was the scorching heat of the Abu Dhabi desert that really took its toll on the team. We started setting up for our action portions before the sun would even rise in the hope of surviving a full day without severe dehydration kicking in.
I'm never one to struggle in the heat, for I love the warmth in my bones, but even these conditions tested my endurance and strength to the fullest. The film's crew had the toughest time, for I'm at least handed an umbrella every now and then, but hats off to the Neeraj's team. Once back in the milder city climes, I actually got withdrawal symptoms as I enjoyed myself that much."
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 14:33 IST