We have learnt that Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu's beautiful grand-niece, Sayessha, who is still to make her debut in the Ajay Devgn-directed 'Shivay', has already bagged her second role. Ekta Kapoor, who is known to encourage new talent, has finalised Sayessha opposite Tiger Shroff in Remo D'Souza's untitled superhero 3D film. Remo is currently shooting 'ABCD2', post which he will start Tiger's film, reports The Times of India.
Being a good dancer is an important requirement for a star in any Remo D'Souza film. And while we already know Tiger's high calibre as a dancer, we learnt that 18-year-old Sayessha too, is a trained Latino and Kathak dancer.
So while Sayessha seems to have won Remo's heart through her dance, we will wait to see if she can do the same with India.
Thursday, November 20, 2014 14:06 IST