Salman Khan, who was clearly in high spirits, wasted no opportunity to pull ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif's leg. When the song 'Chikni Chameli' played, Salman took to the mike and announced "Katrina Kaif, Katrina Kaif tumhara gaana baj raha hai. Please come on stage." When a visibly embarrassed Kat chose to hide behind Karan Johar and pretended to ignore Salman, he announced, "Karan please come here, and bring Katrina Kaif on stage...'
Times of India reports that when Kat refused to budge, Salman said, "Ok fine, not Katrina Kaif. Katrina Kapoor, please come on stage!" A flustered Kat had no choice but to grin and bear it. When she finally walked towards the stage, Salman joked, "Mai kya karoon... I gave you a chance to become Katrina Khan, but you chose to be 'Katrina Kapoor'!"
Thursday, November 20, 2014 14:06 IST