It's always been said that Arpita Khan, when adopted, brought the much needed luck and positivity into the Khan household and that she holds a very special place in Salman Khan's life. This was well proved by the grandeur of Arpita's wedding ceremonies that were. Salman, reportedly, spent about Rs 64 crores on the ceremonies.
According to the recent reports, sister Arpita Khan is indeed lucky for the superstar Salman Khan, as the ban that was imposed by the association of photographers which prohibited them to capture him at events has been lifted now.
Incidentally, it was Salman only who intiated the gesture. Reports say that Salman had invited freelance photographers to Arpita's wedding reception party. This was indeed a sweet gesture by the superstar as the photographers themselves were quoted saying and they considered it the right time to mend ways and call off the ban.
The freelance photographers will now shoot and capture Salman Khan at every event and treat him like the other celebrities.
For the uninitiated, in the month of July, at the launch party of the song 'Devil' from the Salman Khan's last movie 'Kick' the lens men wanted Salman to pose at a particular spot, which the star refused to do. This led to a scuffle between the photographers and Salman's security guards. Thereby, the photographers issued a ban on Salman and refused to shoot his pictures or videos.
But that seems a past now, as the ban has been lifted and all's good in the hood. Indeed a good news for all Salmaniacs!
Monday, November 24, 2014 13:52 IST