When his ailing wife Medha underwent twin surgeries on Monday night at a US hospital, devotional singer Anup Jalota had sent messages to his near and dear ones asking them to pray for her. But she lost her battle for life as her second heart and first kidney transplant went wrong leading to a liver failure. She was 59.
Bharati Pradhan, Medha's biographer, says: "Never once could one sense what pain Anup was in because of Medha's health. The kind of positivity with which Medha and Anup led their lives drove me to write a book on her. I am happy that they decided to move to the US. Their son, Aaryaman (18) is studying at Princenton University, which is a big honor."
Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur, who was earlier married to Medha, the niece of former Prime Minister I.K. Gujral, took to social media to express his condolences. "...Rest in Peace Medha, You showed that life can be lived and loved despite all odds," read his post.
Medha's close friend, Bina Aziz, wife of ghazal singer Talat Aziz, informs us that Medha, who was hospitalized two months ago, had started teaching art in the US. Bina says, "She loved life and meeting people but her body would not allow her to do so. She suffered a lot but now she is freed of the suffering. We were hoping for a successful transplant again but it was not to be."
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 13:37 IST