Divya Khosla Kumar, who made her directorial venture with the hit film Yaariyan, is all set to direct her second love story Sanam Re. The film, that has Pulkit Samrat, Yami Gautam and Urvashi Rautela, starts shooting this month and will be released in 2015.
We were most surprised to hear that the veteran actor Rishi Kapoor, who has been reluctant in the past to even play the role of a father, has now agreed to play a grandfather's role in Divya's film.
We decided to quiz Divya's husband Bhushan Kumar about this and here is what he had to say: "Since I know Rishiji, Divya asked me if I would ask him to consider playing a dada's role in her film. My first reaction was that Rishiji, being a big star, would ask for big money and given that Divya's film is a small budgeted film, I was not comfortable asking him. Yet, I was at his house and reluctantly decided to ask him. Rishiji immediately said, 'Divya is like my daughter, being your wife and I would have done it for free had it been a father's role, but dada ka role main kissi keemat pe nahi karoonga.' I pushed my luck with him and said, 'Just for her satisfaction, can she please come and present her script to you?' A few days later, Rishiji came to our office, heard the script from Divya and then came into my room to say, 'I will play dada only."
Well, this is the first time thatRishi Kapoorwill be playing dada and we have no doubt that he will be the most handsome and charming dada ever.
Monday, December 08, 2014 13:52 IST