R Balki's upcoming drama 'Shamitabh' has three heroes as he calls it - the legend Amitabh Bachchan, the supremely talented Dhanush and the debutante Akshara Haasan (daughter of Kamal Haasan and Sarika). For the first time, we reveal Akshara's first look in the film.
Telling us about her, Balki says, "Akshara is clear proof that genetic science is true. She has the best of both her parents and seeing her perform, you feel that she was just born to act.
Akshara has the tough role of controlling two men who are fighting with each other in the film and even though she has never faced the camera before, she is such a natural actor." Given Balki's view, we can clearly see another star in the making.
Monday, December 08, 2014 13:52 IST