TV actor Karan Singh Grover, who is making his Bollywood debut opposite Bipasha Basu in horror film 'Alone', said he has separated from wife Jennifer
The former 'Qubool Hai' actor confirmed on his micro-blogging site Twitter that he ended his two-year-old marriage to his 'Dill Mill Gayye' co-
The 32-year-old actor, who was previously married to actress Shraddha Nigam, said the reasons behind the end of his second marriage were "too personal" to
"For all those who are concerned, you might have heard that Jennifer and I have separated and will soon be getting divorced. I just wanted to confirm that
it's true.
"The decision has been mutually agreed upon and the reasons are too personal to share. What happens between only two people know... All else are merely
speculations and assumptions...," he wrote on Twitter.
Thursday, December 11, 2014 14:28 IST