Sayessha, the grand-niece of Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu, is facing date hassles even before she starts shooting for either of the two projects she has bagged. The teenager, known to be a proficient dancer, will be introduced by Ajay Devgn in his directorial venture 'Shivaay'. Besides this, she had also signed Ekta Kapoor's film opposite Tiger Shroff.
However, one hears that the daughter of actor parents - Shaheen and Sumeet Saigal - has to now choose between Ajay and Tiger because of a date clash. Said a source, "Sayessha had committed to Ajay first. Ekta was well aware of it. When she made the decision to cast Sayessha, her office is said to have checked with Ajay whether he had any objections at all."
The source adds that Ajay was more than happy that his protege had bagged her second big project. His representatives met the senior team from Ekta's office, and the two did their best to try and work out the date schedules. While the first half of 2015 would see Sayessha travelling to Canada and Poland only for Shivaay, it was the second half of the year that posed a problem. The youngster would have to divide her time between Ajay and Tiger's projects in this period, and some dates were clashing. Keeping her daughter's interests in mind, Shaheen apparently decided that Sayessha should go ahead with Shivaay only. Hence, the young girl has now decided to opt out of Tiger's project altogether.
We texted Ajay for a confirmation on this development and he replied, "The date clash is unfortunate."
Saturday, December 13, 2014 14:23 IST