South actor Rana Daggubati celebrated his birthday on Sunday. The actor was spotted with rumoured ladylove Bipasha Basu at a nightspot in Juhu late Saturday night where they ushered in his big day.
Says an onlooker, "They did not appear uncomfortable and even posed for pictures. They were in a mood to party."
Bips and Rana team up for designer Vikram Phadnis' directorial debut 'Nia' which rolls next year. After their earlier outing together 'Dum Maro Dum' (2011), the grapevine had it that they were romantically involved.
However, they drifted apart when Bips started dating Harman Baweja. Turns out the the two are beginning anew - professionally as well as personally.
Monday, December 15, 2014 14:40 IST