After Parineeta, Pradeep Sarkar has one more special project on his hands these days. He is directing the unusual pairing of Actress Payal Rohatgi and cricketer Virendra Sehwag for Dabur's Lal Dantmanjan ad.
Payal is cast as a village belle in the ad, chewing sugarcane when Sehwag sees her in a mela. Her
teeth are strong as a result of using Dabur's Lal Dantmanjan, claims the commercial.
Dabur already had Sehwag as their endorser, and then they decided to take Payal as well. And
according to onlookers the two shared a very good chemistry on-screen.
Payal seems quite excited about her change of image, even if it is only for an ad. The big screen sex
kitten is playing a village belle in the commercial. While the rest of the world only watches Virendra
Sehwag in the stadium, Payal got to meet and act with him.
She describes him as, "A very down to earth person. In spite of being a star, he made me feel
comfortable working with him. He is a real gentleman, polite and a good human being.
Friday, February 03, 2006 15:10 IST