Junooniyat, produced by Bhushan Kumar of T-series, has wrapped up its first shooting schedule last week in Kashmir. Director of the film, Vivek Agnihotri says he had two particular reasons for which he decided to shoot in Kashmir. First, this is the only time in year when royal Chinar trees shed their striking red and orange leaves, which is a breathtaking sight and very distinct to Kashmir. He wanted to capture that beauty.
Says Vivek, "This happens for only 15 days in a year and as soon as the season arrived, we were in Kashmir to capture the beauty. I shot several scenes and a romantic track there as my hero Pulkit Samrat's character, an army man is based in Kashmir."
The second reason which filmmaker points out is, this is the only time when the Dal lake is enveloped in a thick fog cover, which seems like a huge white screen. Elaborating the effect it created, Agnihotri said, "Unless there is a Shikara in the water, it is so still and serene, that it is hard to believe that there is a lake out there. I wanted to capture these stunning visuals of the valley in my film."
Junooniyat starring, Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautam, is currently shooting its second schedule in Amritsar. i.e commence from feburary end..
Saturday, December 20, 2014 11:40 IST