Bipasha Basu, who is all set for her latest release Alone, has had several reports talking about her link-ups with her co-actors. The actress says that she has become immune to such rumours, but this time around the 35-year-old might not entertain any such non-sense.
In an interview with Hindustan Times, when asked to talk about the buzz hinting at her being the reason behind Karan Singh Grover parting ways with wife Jennifer Winget, she said, "I wish people give me that respect and not make up such stories.
When we started shooting, everyone on the set knew that there were issues between Karan and his wife, and that was long ago. If people drag me into the discussion now, I will not be quiet and entertain this nonsense." The actress said to HT that she has grown a very thick skin because of these link-up stories.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014 14:38 IST