Film director Raj Kanwar, who made "Andaaz" with Akshay Kumar, Lara Dutta and Priyanka Chopra three years ago, returns with another love story, "Humko Deewanaa Kar
The film stars Akshay and Katrina Kaif and is expected to hit the screens in April.
The director is currently stationed in Himachal Pradesh's picturesque resort Manali where he has shot two song sequences in the past week.
One of the songs featuring Akshay and Katrina was filmed in the Solang ski slopes. Katrina looked gorgeous in a shocking red gown even as crowds thronged the site to
catch a glimpse of the stars.
"This film is based on a true love story and Bipasha Basu is also acting in it," said Kanwar.
On Saturday, another song was shot in a forest grove in Manali.
On his future plans, Kanwar said: "My next project will be an action packed commando film."
Monday, February 06, 2006 17:00 IST