In a never-done-before video, Bollywood`s dancing star Hrithik Roshan takes his fans by surprise. A brand new video featuring the popular actor doing what he does best but with a twist has been released for his fans to enjoy. In the video, Hrithik is seen dancing to the `60s evergreen track `Aaja aaja main hoon pyar tera" dressed as the older version of his memorable character Rohit from the film `Koi Mil Gaya`.
This innovative dance video also showcases the actor`s humorous side. Sporting a hearty paunch with a purple shirt and a grey golfer`s cap, Hrithik is barely recognizable in the first few seconds of the video. The versatile actor seems to be enjoying himself while bringing his character of Rohit to life.
Sources close to Hrithik revealed how the actor instead of sitting idle in between free days at shoots utilizes his time efficiently in creating experiences within whatever environment he`s in. This dance video was a spontaneous one that the actor decided to do in his vanity van during the shoot of Krrish 3.
On asked why he chose to do this, he said, "It`s just something I did spontaneously on the last day of enacting the character of Rohit. Guess I wanted to celebrate and immortalize him since he dies in krrish3. I love the way some people let go break free and just dance not caring about how they look but just enjoy the music..That`s how Rohit would dance. And I wanted to experience that for myself. So I just went crazy"
On popular requests by his friends, Hrithik was compelled to share this wonderful clipping with his fans.
The video is a reminder of Hrithik`s acting caliber and a sharp contrast to his usual smooth dancing techniques. The actor brings a smile on the viewers` face with his amusing and quirky dance moves. Hopefully, the Greek god of Bollywood has some more surprises in store for his fans.
Hrithik Roshan as Rohit imitating legendary actor Shammi Kapoor - Isn`t it worth a watch? So, watch this video
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 14:19 IST