Indian People Forum (IPF), an NGO, has taken objection to a scene from the daily soap 'Kyuki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bhau Thi', a Balaji Telefilms Production, for lowering the
status of the judiciary in the eyes of the general public.
The 'offending episode' of the series aired on January 31 showed the characters of the serial Advocate Mira and Savita Virani bribing the judge with Rs ten lakh. The
characters of the series shown offering illegal gratification, amounted to derogation of the judge of the court and judiciary at large.
President of IPF Mohammed Patel said ''the scene is a mockery of the Indian Judicial System. If those in charge do not tender an apology, the matter will find way in the
High Court of Mumbai.''
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 15:59 IST