Television soap queen and film producer Ekta Kapoor has joined hands with Bhojpuri film production banner Siddhivinayak Media Entertainment to produce two big budget
Bhojpuri films.
'Hum Bal Brahmachari Tu Kanya Kunwari', will be a joint production of Ekta's Balaji telefilms and Siddhivinayak Media Entertainment headed by writer-director producer
Mahesh Pandey.
Pandey has written the story of the film and will also be directing it. The film hits the screen in April and stars Bhojpuri actors Kunal Singh, Sikander Kharbanda, Brijesh
Tiwari, Divya Desai, Ali Asgar, Yunus Pervez and Sanjay Pandey. The film will be shot in Raj Pipla in Gujarat and Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.
The lyrics have been written by Vinay Bihari and music composed by Rajesh Gupta.
Balaji and Siddhivinayak Media Entertainment's second film starring Ravi Kissen will release in October, he informed.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 16:01 IST