Constable Ravindra Patil, the prime witness in the hit-and-run case involving Bollywood star Salman Khan, has told a city court he was unsure if the actor was drunk when
his Land Cruiser rammed into a bakery in Western Mumbai killing one person and wounding four others in 2002.
Deposing before Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate J B Pankhe at suburban Bandra yesterday, Patil said when Salman came out of the pub on that fateful night he
looked normal.
Patil, who was Salman's bodyguard, said a few minutes prior to incident on September 28, 2002, the actor had been talking to him.
While trying to avoid dashing into a roadside pole, Salman rammed his 'Land Cruiser' into a bakery at Pali Hill in Bandra, an upmarket western suburb, Patil told the
Cross examination by the defence advocate Dipesh Mehta will continue today.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 16:10 IST