Filmmaker Mohit Suri is taking time off for paternity leave. Though he is shooting for 'Hamari Adhuri Kahaani', he has decided to be with his wife Udita Goswami who is due to deliver soon. Suri says, "I will spend the entire month of January with Udita. Her mother will join us, but I want to be around.''
So how much of work has Suri kept on hold of 'Hamari Adhuri Kahaani'? He informs, "There are two songs and some scenes to be done."
It is learnt that Mohit is likely to next start Karan Johar's film which is a remake of the French film, 'The Intouchables'. He will submit the script of the film to KJo soon. It is a two-hero film and Varun Dhawan and Aditya Roy Kapoor may be part of it.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014 14:13 IST