The actor has got Hasee Toh Phasee and EK Villain under his name which not only made a mark at BO but his performance was widely acclaimed.
And with the year ending, friends and family of Sidharth in Delhi were planning a big party to mark a very good year that Sidharth has had.
The actor has not visited home in quite some time and his friends and family are keen to end the year on the celebratory note.
The actor is currently shooting for his upcoming film Warriors and has been working on a hectic schedule.
Sidharth has been asked by his friends and family to take a day off and celebrate a day in the success of the year he has had.
Spokesperson confirms the news and adds, "Sidharth is trying to make time and visit home before the year ends."
Wednesday, December 31, 2014 15:04 IST