According to a Mumbai Mirror report, buzz is that Rs 20 crore has already been paid to cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni for the rights to his life story. Dhoni may have announced his retirement from India's Test playing squad, but off the field he is still a name that sells, more so in Bollywood.
Ever since his biopic,MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, was announced with Sushant Singh Rajput in the title role, it has become a much coveted project with plenty of buyers expressing interest to come on board, the report states.
According to Mirror, the film has been acquired by Fox Star Studios. "Negotiations have been going on for a while but the deal has only recently been sealed for Rs 80 crore. Of this, Rs 20 crore has reportedly been paid to Dhoni for the rights to his life story. As part of the backend deal, the cricketer will also get a share in the film's profits and royalties," the report quoted a source. However, the studio's spokesperson denied saying, "Discussions are on but the figures you mention are completely incorrect," mentioned the report.
Thursday, January 08, 2015 15:06 IST