After the much talked about phenomenon success of Aamir Khan's PK, We also witnessed religious response all over about the film. Especially on Social Networking sites. Film maker Faisal Saif who is very much in news for his two back to back controversial upcoming movie Main Hoon Rajinikanth and Amma (respectively) also took social networking space to talk about the film.
"No Doubt #rajkumarhirani And #aamirkhan Churned Out A Beautiful Film.. But looking at some "Racial Response" trending in the Social Networking era nowadays about the film, I personally think why the film has "Only" tried and targeted the "Wrong Numbers" in "Hindu" Religion? Why not "Muslim Religion" too? Just one or two scenes? It should have also showed about the "Fake" Muslim Baba's who claim Big!! The real "Wrong Numbers" in Muslim Society who creates Jihad etc.. Who creates conflicts in #Shrines (Dargah).. Who creates barriers in Sunni, Deobandi, Shia and countless other things" wrote Faisal Saif.
The director praising the Hindu religion also added "What about Honor Killing Wrong Numbers? Even Muslim community has Honor Killings.. In the name of Shia-Sunni marriages.. Was the Alien not aware? Or the Alien was only on the Mission to research about "#Hinduism"
Faisal do raise some ignored questions in the tag of "Missed Wrong Number", But how far it will be answered is still yet to be seen.
Monday, January 12, 2015 15:01 IST